The Best Pool Closing Tips

Zach | August 29, 2022


Cleaning your pool now, before closing, helps prevent algae and will make your spring opening even easier, with less spring cleaning. First, be sure to remove all leaves, dirt, insects, or other debris. Don’t forget to vacuum the pool and brush the walls using a non-abrasive cleaner made for vinyl or tile. If you want the process to go a little smoother, skip the manual labor and let a Robotic pool cleaner handle the tedious task of cleaning and scrubbing your pool surfaces. With pool cleaning technology designed for your convenience, you can choose from a variety of automatic pool cleaning options – robotic pool cleaners, pressure-side pool cleaners and suction-side pool cleaners.


Properly balanced water protects your pool and equipment from corrosion. Use a test kit to measure pool chemistry. Total alkalinity should be between 80-120 ppm; pH level should be between 7.4-7.6. Once the water has been balanced, shock and chlorinate your pool. Shocking kills stubborn bacteria that might linger even when the temperature drops drastically. If you aren’t sure what chemicals to add, your local pool retailer can help you.


Remove any floats, skimmer baskets, wall fittings, hoses, cleaners, pool ladders and rails. Clean and dry them, and store them in a dry space. Now is also a great time to store all of your in-pool furniture as well as outdoor furniture and accessories to prevent weathering.


To protect your pool from frostbite during freezing temperatures, lower the water level. It should be 4-6 inches below the skimmer in vinyl-lined pools, and below the tile line in plaster pools.


Make sure all of the water is drained from the pump and filters before disconnecting them. You can use an air compressor to be sure there is no standing water in the system. Also, be sure to remove the drain plugs since they can trap water inside. Trapped water—even a tiny amount – can turn to ice, eventually expanding and possibly damaging your system.


Clearing water from the pipes eliminates potential freeze damage. Unscrew and loosen any quick-disconnect fittings or unions at your pump and filter system, then blow out the pipes using a wet-dry shop vacuum or air compressor. If there’s a main drain line, clear it the same way.

If you opt not to clear your pipes, you can also add swimming pool antifreeze to the pipes to prevent freezing. Finish by wrapping any exposed pipes with an insulating material.


Swimming Pools may or may not be drained completely. If not drained completely, the water level should be lowered below the LED pool light and make sure that all water is drained from the wall fitting and conduit.

NOTE – If water is trapped in conduit, damage may occur from freeze expansion.


The winter cover is important for both the pool and the people around it. It’s stronger than a summer cover, both to withstand the weight of snow and ice, and to protect people or pets from accidentally falling through the cover into the water. If your cover has any rips, fix them. If they’re beyond repair, replace the cover. Select one that best fits your pool and can survive your region’s winter.

Cover-Pools pool covers are designed to fit any shape or size pool and are the best way to protect family and friends and to optimize your investment, ensuring your swimming pool will remain the source of fun and enjoyment it was intended to be. An all-in-one safety, solar, and winter cover, our automatic pool covers make sure your pool is ready for the next season. If you were thinking ahead and installed an automatic pool cover when you built your pool, then covering up your pool for winter is as simple as pressing a button, however, if you didn’t you still can. Cover-Pools automatic pool covers can also be installed after with just a discreet bench that covers the motor (and acts as a convenient seat).


When springtime rolls around and uncovering the pool takes center stage, your winter preparation will pay off. Your pool will thank you. Your pool guests will thank you. And you’ll probably thank yourself for doing the prep work! Taking care of these tasks now will save you a lot of trouble down the road.  

We hope your fall and winter goes, well, swimmingly! 

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For use with Maytronics pool cleaners only. Cannot be used on other products or combined with other coupons.